宗旨 Objective


To lead the lost sheep to God through community services and evangelistic efforts.
To build up a clear Christian witness in the Chinese communities of different cities by expressing Biblical values through steadfast faith, love and care.

精神 Spirit

  • 了解社區大眾需要:設立相關的事工以回應社區的需要。
  • 深入各階層傳福音:以社區為獻身的祭壇。
  • 聯合教會達成使命:謙卑地成為一條連繫教會卻隱藏的線。


  • Understanding the community: Our ministry is designed to meet the needs of the people.
  • Spreading the Gospel to all people: Chinatown is the altar upon which we offer the sacrifice of ourselves to God with all sincerity.
  • Uniting the churches to fulfill Jesus’ command: We are an invisible link that binds the churches together.

Moving forward, we firmly believe that the sky is the limit when we step forward in faith. By relying on God, we can build a ministry to reach this generation.

Board of Trustees

樂胡秋玲 Rachel Lok
丁翠雲 Ellen Yuen
葉啟明牧師 Rev. William Yip
戴斌弟兄 Pin Tai
吳維定 Whiting Wu
勞伯祥牧師 Rev. Pak Cheung Lo
王慶元 Daniel Wong
鮑愛奇 Bernard Pau

角聲董事名錄 Board of Directors

角聲董事會:樂胡秋玲(主席)、吳維定、丁翠雲、勞伯祥牧師、葉啟明牧師、王慶元、戴斌、鮑愛奇。加拿大董事會:梁振森(主席)、黃修建牧師、朱鄧麗麗、周簡艷珍、樂胡秋玲、鮑愛奇。 香港董事會:姚冠尹(主席)、原樹華、勞伯祥、周簡艷珍、林希聖、蔡志輝、張昆堯。英國董事會:周簡艷珍(主席)、曹子光牧師、馮兆雄、方思潔、馬日恆、區雯慧、李詠祈、勞伯祥牧師。歐陸董事會:簡戴德牧師(主席)、邱新華、盧文惠、邱林福春、周簡艷珍、歐耀強牧師、勞伯祥牧師。 角聲基金會董事會:勞伯祥牧師(主席)、周簡艷珍、王慶元、李偉強牧師。澳洲分會董事會:勞伯祥牧師、周振成牧師、李海就牧師、謝友德牧師、鄭關翠紅、周簡艷珍、楊鴻鈞、吳潘寶珠、劉詩勤。

Board of Trustees: Rachel Lok (Chairperson), Whiting Wu, Ellen Yuen, Rev. Pak Cheung Lo, Rev. William Yip, Daniel Wong, Pin Tai, Bernard Pau. Board of Directors (Canada):  Jason Leung (Chairperson), Rev. Joseph Wong, Lily Chu, Katie Chau, Rachel Lok. Board of Directors (Hong Kong): Kelvin Yao (Chairperson), Shu Wah Yuen, Rev. Pak Cheung Lo, Katie Chau, Hay Sing Lam, Chi Fai Choy, Kun Yeu Cheung. Board of Directors (UK): Katie Chau (Chairperson), Rev. Benny Cho, Perry Fung, Rebecca Fong, Sunny Ma, Bitzy Au, Vicky Lee, Rev. Pak Cheung Lo. Board of Directors (Europe): Rev. Dick Kaan (Chairperson), Shing Hua Chiu (Chairperson of Working Committee), Abby Lu, Chiu Lin Fu Chun, Katie Chau, Rev. Y. K. Au, Rev. Pak Cheung Lo. Board of Directors (Herald Foundation):  Rev. Pak Cheung Lo (Chairperson), Katie Chau, Daniel Wong, Rev. David Lee. Board of Directors (Australia):  Rev. Pak Cheung Lo, Rev. Constant Chow, Rev. Graeme Lee, Rev. David Tse, Teresa Kwan, Katie Chau, George Yeung, Lily Ng, Grace Liu.